
The next leg is uncertain. I discovered that in September there is a rally to Fernando de Noronha. This would be a nice trip to do but I have to be out of Brazil in three months and it would then be a rush to Argentina.

Meantime there is plenty to do on the boat, particularly to catch up on some of the many small maintenance jobs and continue cleaning off the grime from Aratu. There are far fewer boats here now than in April. Most are at anchor so we prety much have the pontoon to ourselves.

Today, as usual, we had breakfast at nearby Paderia Sao Geronimo.

Many tempting goodies on offer, baked on the premises.

Egg sandwiches prepared by the grill chef.

A charming cashier to take our money.

A man came by selling prawns only a few hours old.

Back at the marina it was a very low tide.

The drying sandbank beyond the marina was much larger than usual.

We dinghied over.

This sandbank is covered completely at high water.

A puffer fish in the shallows.

High and dry an hour ago our dinghy about to refloat on the incoming tide.

Later, in the evening, Günther cooked the fresh prawns bought this morning. Delicious!